NCMT Procedure In Frozen Shoulder.

Frozen shoulder technically referred as Adhesive capsulitis presents as a painful and movement restricting disorder of the capsule of shoulder joint; the connective tissue surrounding the glenohumeral joint of the shoulder causing inflammation and stiffness. The cause of it is unclear and yet to be established as per the conventional science. The pain usually aggravates when at rest and lying but shows some degree of amelioration when the affected joint is subjected to movements.frozen shoulder_poadmanilyam blog_drawing by Dr.Bhat

In frozen shoulder at certain cases, the synovial fluid would be lacking causing stress during active and passive movements restricting the range of movement (R.O.M). At other times, in certain subjects the shoulder capsule get  thickened causing swelling due to a band of scar tissue aka adhesions getting  formed with in the shoulder capsule. There by, providing less space within the joint for the humerus, restricting the movement of the shoulder making it get stiff and painful.

Our Vaidya Rangaprasad Bhat, after examination of the alignment of the amsa sandhi marma and the structures forming the joint adopts the thadaval, amarthal and adangal as the case necessitates in relieving the pain.

Furthermore, to maintain the relief provided and improve the Q.O.L (Quality Of Life) of the subject under treatment he follows the NCMT procedure over the specific marmas to provide support and stability to the amsa marma and its associated marmas.
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